Saturday, January 31, 2009


So we went Ice Fishing again this morning. We didn't take the boys thanks to Justine and Tyler we didn't have to. Thanks so much guys for watching them. I hope they weren't too much trouble for you. Your Awesome!! Well we went to Strawberry, we got there a little after 8:00 and boy it was cold actually FREEZING. The tempature was -4 degrees. Yes that is Freezing. I was so dang cold. I wanted to just sit in the car, but I was a good sport and went and sat on the ice. I didn't catch any fish. Kam caught one and had like three others on but couldn't surface them. We decided to leave there, because it was so slow. We didn't see anyone around us catch anything. We drove to Rockport and tried it there and no luck again. So then we just went back to Justine's and Tylers to pick up our boys! It was fun for just Kam and I to get out. I always enjoy our outings together. That was our day.

Friday, January 30, 2009


So i just took

these pictures of the boys on our way home from ice fishing. I thought they were so cute cause they were both smiling. I usually can't get them to smile when I take pictures. I love my boys! When I look back at there baby pictures It almost makes me cry, cause how fast they are growing up. I can't believe it. Mommy loves you Ryker and Payten!!!

AnOtHeR fIsHiNg DaY!!!!!

So here is another one of our fishing days. The boys had so much fun this time, cause it was warmer then the lsast time it was when we went. The eventful part of it was when Payten fell in the hole his whole leg went in the water. His boot filled up with Water his feel were so wet. So then I took my gloves off and put them on his feet that is what the picture is above. It was fun taking the boys out so they weren't stuck at home.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

what a stud

So i just decided I would go outside and take a picture of the boys but oh boy Payten doesn't hold still so I only got one of Ryker its not the best picture but i thought his smile was so dang cute.


So today isn't going so good already. So let me tell ya about his day so far. I was in the the kitchen cooking breakfast and I could hear my boys playing in the bathroom, So i ran to the bathroom and as I walked in Ryker flushed the toilet and I guess Payten threw my phone in the toilet. So bye bye to my phone. my phone went all the way down the pipes. I could here it go all down the drain. Ahhh! I can't believe my kids. They are such pains. I really can't believe it. So I called Kam and told him and all he did was laugh. He thought it was so funny. So thats been my day so far. I'll let ya know how it gets later on during the day since its only 9:00.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Father like Son

Father like son. The boys thought they were going to go for a ride on daddys bike, after daddy got in trouble by the cops for taking his bike down the street for a couple minutes to get the oil all mixed around since its been sitting in our garage for a long time and hasn't been moved. Ryker loves the bikes when they are not on. The minute Kam gets it going he screams.


SO this picture isn't the best cause he is squinting but he was soe excited he is showing me his big boy pants but i wasn't going to post the picture that shows his big boy pants.
So this week we have been potty training Ryker. He is doing so good this time. We have tried a few times but it just has never work so well. Well we are so happy and proud of him. He has an accident here and there when he gets playing and doesn't want to go. But for the most part he is doing so good. I think the thing that has helped him is that we bought him some boxer briefs, so they look sorta like his daddy's and he is loving it. He still wears a pull-up at night just cause I don't want to have to wash his sheets every night. He is just so cute about it everytime he goes he gets way excited and says "look I went potty." He loves his big boy pants. He tells everyone and shows everyone his big boy pants. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Ryker! We love you!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Here is another picture of ice fishing.
Here is my sister Carleigh and her cute boyfriend Chris. Oh and Ryker. He is always right by Chris when they are around.
Oh this picture was taken at Hardware Ranch we went with the Olson side. It was fun. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.
Here is ice fishing at east canyon again.
This was ice fishing at Strawberry. It was pretty fun. I didn't catch anything that day. But oh well.
Oh so the boys room used to be blue and green, but they colored on the wall and peeled paint off. so i repainted. It took me one full day to do but here is the finishing product. It doesn't look bad. Alot better then marker on the wall.


Sorry its been awhile since i've posted. Our computer has been down and we have been pretty busy. Well We haven't been up to too much lately. We just have all been sick with a pretty bad cold that has kicked our butt. Well here are some pictures of us over the last few weeks.
Here is Payten. What a stud. we took the boys ice fishing to companies pond. They had so much fun. They loved being outside running around.
Here are the boys with there fish that they caught. Well we actually caught them but we both caught one at the same time so we decided to let them hold them and take a picture.
Here is Ryker and Daddy with another fish.
Oh here is me all bundled up we went to East Canyon Ice Fishing and Kam didn't caught anything we sat there all day long and Kam went to go get the car with one of his buddy's and he was gone for a half hour and in that half hour I caught 3 fish. He wasn't so happy.
This picture was taken awhile ago but We thought it was so funny cause we were at the store and bought the five gallon bucket and Payten climbed into it he loved being in there he cried when we had to take him out to put him in the car. So we got home and had to take a picture.