Friday, January 23, 2009


Sorry its been awhile since i've posted. Our computer has been down and we have been pretty busy. Well We haven't been up to too much lately. We just have all been sick with a pretty bad cold that has kicked our butt. Well here are some pictures of us over the last few weeks.
Here is Payten. What a stud. we took the boys ice fishing to companies pond. They had so much fun. They loved being outside running around.
Here are the boys with there fish that they caught. Well we actually caught them but we both caught one at the same time so we decided to let them hold them and take a picture.
Here is Ryker and Daddy with another fish.
Oh here is me all bundled up we went to East Canyon Ice Fishing and Kam didn't caught anything we sat there all day long and Kam went to go get the car with one of his buddy's and he was gone for a half hour and in that half hour I caught 3 fish. He wasn't so happy.
This picture was taken awhile ago but We thought it was so funny cause we were at the store and bought the five gallon bucket and Payten climbed into it he loved being in there he cried when we had to take him out to put him in the car. So we got home and had to take a picture.

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