Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time FLYS!

So i was jsut looking at pictures on my moms computer and found this one. I really can't belive how time has flown by look at my two little babies they aren't babies anymore. It makes me sad how old they are they are so stinkin SMART. They have to cutest personalities they keep me on my toes. they are for sure boys they are always fight and Payten is such a little bully now he beats up on Ryker they wrestle all the time and I think Payten ends up winning Ryker is the one that is always ending up crying when they are done. I think we might be in trouble when they both are in school hopefully they don't cause fights. Now its time to have a little girl in our famiy. We won't be trying for awhile but when we do everyone pray that its a little girl we both want one so bad. Well I guess it will happen how its supposed to. Mommy loves you Ryker and Payten!!!

1 comment:

Kody Bre & Kyree said...

How sweet is that picture! How old is Car now??