Friday, December 26, 2008


So Christmas was pretty fun this year. Payten and Ryker were pretty excited. They got some cool things from SANTA (us) He gave them Geo Traxs, a smart cycle and some other little toys. Oh Ryker got his fishing pole that he asked santa for so, he was pretty excited. Can't believe Christmas is already here and gone.
Here is my sister Carleigh & her Boyfriend Chris opening there presents from us.
Here is the present, My Aunt Melissa, Uncle Dave, Chey & Garrett gave the 3 boys. Boy they loved them. Thanks Guys!!
Here is the remote control car that Carleigh and Chris gave Ryker.
Here is my cousin Justine and her boyfriend Tyler. They came to my moms house for breakfast since my mom does breakfast every year on christmas its always so nice thanks mom and dad!
Here is Payten just laughing he was so happy. He loved the presents. Thanks everyone.

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