Monday, September 22, 2008

A Birthday Boy. Payten is 1 today, they grow up so fast. It's sad. It just seems like it was yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. I can't believe it. I miss my little babies. well Saturday we celebrated Payten's Birthday at my mom's house. His grandma and grandpa Wootton gave him some clothes. He also got a phone from Uncle Pete and Aunt Pam, a booster seat from Uncle Dave, Aunt Memeg, Chey and Garrett. Great Grandma Peay gave him a little car wagon thing that he can push around or ride. Uncle Mike, Aunt Megan, Quinton and Baby Aleena gave him a tool set, He got a plan from Uncle Scott, Aunt Stef and Dusty. Aunt Ellen and Uncle Dick gave him a little book that makes music and a couple little reading books they are so cute. They are my Aunts and Uncles that i love dearly. They live in St. George, so we don't see them much. A week or so ago they were up and so we went to my grandma's house to visit with them it was fun and i love that the kids had some time to get to know them a little better. We'll Here is my big Birthday Boy.....................

This Picture was taken Sunday He is wearing the outfit that Grandpa and Grandma Wootton gave him. OH LOOK HOW BIG HE IS.

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