Wednesday, September 24, 2008


There are things that we do as a family every night. The first thing we do is eat dinner as a family. Ryker doesn't eat much so we are trying to get him to eat different things, we just got him to eat Mac & Cheese. So last night Ryker ate Mac & Cheese and Baked beans. Ewwww that sounds really gross, when he eats we are doing good. Then there is payten that eats everything. He eats all day long, by the way he eats you would think he would be fat. So after dinner we take the kids upstairs and Kam plays with them on our bed while i get the tub started and get there pj's out and everything else. After that we put the kids in the tub and i was them then we take Ryker out we dry him off. He goes and lays on the bed while i take Payten out and dry him off. Kam dresses Ryker and I dress Payten. Then i brush Ryker's teeth he is so cute when i do it. he used to fight me when i did it, but know he loves it he just sits on my lap and shows me his teeth. Then i brush Payten's teeth & Oh Boy he is a pain, he fights me and screams i feel bad but it has to be done. So after that we just mess around with the kids on our bed for about a half hour. Ryker has started trying to wresle with Payten, we have to keep telling him he can't do that. After we play with the kids its time for bed, so we go in there room and put the kids in bed. We put Ryker in a toddler bed a couple months ago and we are still fightin with him. he wants to get out of bed and play. The kids sleep in the same room so when he is doing that Payten won't fall asleep. But he eventually wears himself out and falls asleep. While that is going on we usually go downstairs and watch a little tv, but that is our nightlt rutine. I love the time I spend with my kids. I go crazy sometimes, cause i'm a stay at home mom, but i love it. Pretty soon i will be working at nights being a CNA, so our nightly rutine i won't be apart of and i'll miss that. Kam works all day long he is a comercial roofer so he is really busy. We apprecitate everything you do for us Honey. We love you Daddy!

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