Monday, October 20, 2008


The boys had so much fun at Beus's Pond, because they loved watching the ducks they were so cute. Gage took of into the water. We had only been there like 5 minutes and he was already in the water. He was so excited to see the ducks.
This one is just Payten and Ryker watching the ducks.
Here is one of the big ducks
Here are all the boys standing on the bridge looking down in the water watching for the ducks to come over.
I thought this one was really cute Gage was looking at Grandma laughing at her. Ryker was looking at Gage and Payten was looking at Ryker. I think its cute even though they aren't looking at the camera.
Here they are looking in the little creek and throwing rocks and sticks in the water. Boy what fun we had on Saturday. It was my moms idea to go take pictures. THANKS MOM!!! After the pictures we just went to Wendy's and got something to eat. So the boys could have a kids meal. Thanks for everything Mom. We love you!!!


The Moss Family said...

your so good at taking pictures it just makes me sick. I wish i had half that talent. The boys are all so cute. We live in roy right behind midland elementary like the third street or so past it. I'd love to see you i'm almost always home just gone for a few hours on tuesday and thursaday nights teaching dance. my cell # is 920-5290

Alicia and Jake said...

love the pictures! we are going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow ryker is so excited cuz we went to the one in idaho and he went crazy! gotta love boys!