Monday, October 27, 2008

DiNoSaUr PaRk!!

Saturday night Megan and Mike were going to take their kids to the Dinosaur Park. They called and invited us to go, so me and the kids went Kam stayed home. Sherry went and it was a blast we had so much fun! Thanks Guys for makeing it a good night!
Here is Ryker and Mommy with the dinosaur. Ryker wanted to pet all the Dinosaurs.
MOmmy and Ryker again with a scary dead guy. Ryker was so funny he was squeezing the head. He wasn't scared of it. Quinton wouldn't go by it cause it was scary!!
Here is Payten and Mommy Payten of course wouldn't look at the camera.
Here is Ryker, Quinton, Mike and Sherry. Payten was in the stroller and Aleena was sleeping since she is so little still. She was dressed up like a tootsie Roll it was so cute.
Here is all of us well megan and I weren't in the picture cause we were taking the pictures. we were in line waiting to get in it was way busy.

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