Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Monday my mom called me and asked if I would drive her car to Paysen. She needed to take my sisters car to Paysen to her boyfriends friends house, cause she was hunting with him and she needed her car so she could get home. So I went with her. The boys were so good on the way down they just played, on the way home was another story. They were so tired of being in the car they cried. Ryker kept saying. Get out Get out. We had to keep telling him he couldn't get out.
Here is a picture of Payten on the ride home. I made him laugh in this picture, but he really wasn't very happy to be in his car seat.
Here is Ryker we were singing and he just starred at us thinking that we were just crazy!! Now here is the final picture. Its my mom on the phone with Grandpa. Boy was it an interesting drive that day. It really didn't take too long to get there. It was like an hour in a half to drive to Paysen in the middle of traffic, so not to bad. We love you Mom! Thanks for everything that you do!

1 comment:

Alicia and Jake said...

i love the drives when the boys are screaming!! ha ha! doesnt it make it so much fun!